…Still processing this week’s events. So I thought this week I’d share a video clip my good friend Mike shared today about a Tibetan prophecy I was unfamiliar with, in which I found inspiration and a bit of centering in thinking about my role as we shift into an uncertain future.
I also thought I’d share again the end of my biomimicry manifesto I wrote over a year ago. The time of an uprising has come sooner than I thought and probably from a place I wasn’t expecting.
I also love this image and quote – it also inspired me today as it did when I first saw it.
In biomimicry we are all warriors on this path toward change, using our compassion and our knowledge that a life-centered approach is the only approach for the future if we are to make it through to the other side. If we act, we have a voice in determining the direction of our shared story. Let’s find strength in moving forward together. Are you with me?